Let's be Better.

By Unknown - July 27, 2016

I've been wanting to write this post for several months now but i kept putting it off; its nothing really beauty related so i didn't really think that people would be very interested in what i had to say... But then i thought if i don't say it nobody will.

When i was younger i truly believed that once school had been and gone all the childish dramas and nastiness would pass with it. However, with my first year of college finished and having a part time job i'd say I've got my foot firmly in the door of the 'adult world' along with this and my own experiences, what I've over heard and what i've been told its become apparent to me that not a lot changes when you get older. Dramas and the bitchiness doesn't just stop because you've become an 'adult' .
In fact I've realised its not age that is the problem, its us humans.  A lot of people seem incapable to be genuine, nice, selfless individuals. Instead everyone is so self absorbed we forget that our actions have consequences, that every single person on this planet has feelings and insecurities. Everybody seems more focused on tearing each other down instead of being a community of people who help lift each other up.

It angers me to see people writing disgusting comments about others on their social media, or over hearing conversations of people constantly bitching about someone who is supposedly their 'friend' or seeing girls bitching about a what a complete stranger is wearing, whether they should really be wearing those shorts when they aren't a size 6. It angers me to see a group of teenage boys beating someone up or the snapchat stories taking the mic of someone who is wearing crocs or trainers that aren't designer. OR the constant judging of someones appearance, the bitching about another success, or the hate that someone can get because they work hard. All of which i have witnessed my self in the last week, and i could list a hell of a lot more.

All of these can be put down to a thing called jealousy.... its very easy to push someone else down just to make yourself feel better. But this needs to stop ! There is a positive way to be jealous . I myself am a very jealous person , I'm not afraid to admit that. But i love being jealous it pushes me to work harder for myself to do well, if i see someone else succeeding I'm over the moon for them it reminds me of my dreams and what I'm striving for, and pushes me to to do just that.

It seems ridiculous to be that we all are so happy with tearing one another down when we don't need any more negativity in this world, all most every day we hear of a terror attack , a shooting , a death.  We have ENOUGH scary and disgustingly tragic events happening daily in our world that we have very little control over;  so why not stop the disgusting pettiness that both adults, teenagers and children all do- so all of us can make a change

Lets stop hating , judging , bitching about each other.  Be kind, compliment , understand, and think!

i don't think we ever truly know some body, so how can't we possibly judge another upon something we don't have full understanding off. We need to remember that all of us experience the good and the bad, watch the same tv programmes, listen to the same music, breath the same air ! So lets celebrate those similarities but cherish our unique attributes.

Lets be better.

lots of love Liv xxx

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