
How To Be Beautiful

By Unknown - July 30, 2014

Beauty means many things to different people but to me, despite my passion for makeup and beauty products, beauty is skin deep and a state of mind.
Only too often do we criticise others on how we perceive their bodies.  “She’s too skinny” or “she’s disgustingly overweight.”  And this isn’t half of it.
I guess we are all guilty of judging others; I can’t help but think it is becoming part of Human nature though; we have been raised in a generation where the “dream body” has been shoved in our faces left, right and centre.  It still mystifies me why we seem to idealise an image that only 5% of the population can naturally possess.  
 I’m not going to sit here and dwell on all the negatives the media brings. The media actually brings some great positives that can really boost our self-esteem.  Many of the iconic models have some amazing and unique qualities. Which to me, says we should embrace our own unique qualities; they might just be our biggest flaws!
I can’t help but think that the saddest impact of judgement of body image is how it effects how we perceive ourselves.  We all have those days where we stand in the mirror and aren’t exactly impressed with what we see, but it’s important that we make these days as rare as possible. 
How do we do this, you ask?  The first step is to change the way we perceive ourselves. Focusing on the positives rather than dwelling on the negatives.
·         Every morning look and I mean really look and state 5 things that you like about yourself.  Not only does this start your day in a happier and positive way but you’re going to be a much more confident and comfortable person in no time.

·         Be nice to others! Remove the words ‘ugly’, ‘fat’, ‘skinny’, ‘butters’ and ‘butt-ugly’ from your vocabulary.

I’m a strong believer in being kind to others. I think we say things in passing about people and not really think of the impact of our words.  Nobody wants to hear horrible things about themselves; it can be so deflating and damaging, so why do we think its fine to say nasty things to others?

Remember - “What Suzie says of sally, says more of Suzie then of Sally.”
What you speak reflects your personality and really does say more about you, than the person you are being nasty about!

Everyone is beautiful in their own way, so remember to embrace the way you look and your flaws.  

Being you is what makes you beautiful! 

Liv xxx

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