Why the Facelift ?

By Unknown - July 15, 2017

Hey Guys, So I usually hate these 'where have I been' posts because every time I've written one its been written with good intentions of sticking with the whole blogging thing and being consistent and I haven't. Any one who knows me knows that I throw myself deep in to my education as obviously its the key to Uni and I never really got the work life balance correct, or if I wasn't working I was relaxing and had no energy to do much more. I wanted to provide this blog with my best work and the best quality I possibly could. So instead of rushing to get posts out I've been writing post ideas down on my phone ready for this summer and we are finally here so I really hope you enjoy the posts that I have planned for you all.

Due to my lack of posts and my inconsistency over the years I feel I should re-introduce myself to you all. Many of you who have been reading my posts from the beginning will remember as the teen who still hadn't lost the puppy fat around my face and looked incredibly young. Going back on those tutorial posts make me laugh because of how much i've changed, therefore I thought I'd include my most recent selfie in this post to show I've grown up a little. I don't want to put a comparison photo up because I find those photos slightly cringe worthy but if your intrigued go scroll through old posts at your own risk!

Just under a month ago now I finished college, boy did those two years go so fast, while it was definitely a experience I am so glad its over and I'm finally at the stage of my life where I can do what I've truly want to do; study makeup! SO whats next? while yes, uni will be my main focus over the next 3 years, I've been recently been bitten by the motivation bug and have been creating work for myself. Im someone who loves to moan that they can't wait to have a 'day off' and do absolutely nothing but now summer is here all I want to do is keep busy and keep motivated. Why wait to work hard when you can be consistent and see results sooner? So I've also been running a business as well for the past few months (which i'll go in more detail on another post) and I've also been getting some makeup jobs here and there which I've absolutely loved!

But I've also wanted to get back in to my little hobby and passion of blogging, those of you who have been here before will realise that I've given my blog a little facelift. Something, I've been meaning to do since February after turning 18 and realised I wanted to make my blog a little more mature. After months of trying to find a theme I like and deciding whether I should try and change the platform, I decided last night that there was no point of spending tonnes of money on recreating a new blog and making it perfect when in a few months I'd only have to make a new website to go alongside my uni degree, when I really want to keep this separate, Plus I really didn't want to lose all my old posts because I love looking back and seeing how far I've come so I found a free blogger template and did some intense changing around and created myself a whole new logo out of the patterns I made for my art coursework last year. I know its not perfect but I have to say I love how its ended up, if any of you have any suggestions on how to improve it further all comments are welcome!

I'm really glad I'm back and I hope you guys enjoy the content I have planned for you. Feedback is always welcome and I hope you all have a lovely day whenever you read this. I look forward to seeing you very soon. 


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